Hullo! How are you? Thank you for coming by.

Well, I used to have a ‘contact me’ app here; however, letters didn’t always post and would get lost to the digital void somehow… as such, I am trying out a new thing which I hope works better.

It’s great reading letters and I love the sincere asks that work out really nicely for all– be it projects or favors– time permitting due a busy schedule, of course.

Please write for all queries and/or exchanges. If friendly or interesting, I shall post here for readers.

♥︎ Warmly,
c. xx

If you provide an Email you will receive a message, once your Question is Answered.

PS. Before you hit “Ask Me” pls ask yourself if what you’re writing is invasive or if you’re asking me, a hectic single mom, for some kind of weird emotional labor– or, free labor for that matter for your own personal benefit/gain. If this disclaimer offends, please get thee to an etiquette book on how to conduct oneself respectfully and know that any rudeness will either be ignored; or, if warranted, will be publicly blasted. Freedom of Speech ≠ Freedom from Consequences.